Day 7

Hola from costa rica! Today was was a very fun day, probably one of the most fun days we've had. We started off with breakfast at 7:30 as usual. Had eggs and rice for the fiftieth time and cinnamon rolls. We had a morning science sesh where we worked more on our experiments with our groups and checked our bacteria and fungus plates that both smell really bad. Finally time for lunch and we had burgers! It was kind of a disappointment when we found out that they were black bean burgers though.

After lunch we went on a 40 minute tractor ride and then a 40 minute hike along with that. the hike was fun and in some places we had to use a rope to get up and down. the trail was really muddy and slippery, our boots were filled with water.We ended up at a really cool waterfall and got to swim for a while. Some people climbed the rocks and jumped in *cough cough* Derek and Jack. Then we hiked all the way back and took the tractor home. We were singing old tv show theme songs because there was no radio in the trailer obviouslyyyy.

Finally we got back to Finca La Anita after a long day of fun and had some din din. The food was really good, it was beef and mashed potatoes with this really good dessert called cajeta. It tasted like cookie dough and served on a leaf. Lastly most of the groups stayed after in the lab to work on their experiments.


Josie Hartman and Derek Jutting

Pura Vida!


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